Tuesday 27 September 2011

Analysing two Key Concepts on a Text

In this image Captain America is being represented as the hope of the world. The background is dark and grey however the lighting is focused on his image. The colours on his clothes are bright which connote hope and also the idea that there is still life. He’s being represented as coming out of the darkness as the image underneath the poster is dark but creates the perception he’s rising out of the darkness. Also this patriotic image of the colours of the U.S flag portrays the idea that the U.S is still the mightiest country in the world. Moreover the image depicts the character like he’s showing respect to maybe his fallen comrades. Even though he’s been shown in a high angle view looking down at us it shows he’s brave and strong however we the audience at home do not feel inferior we feel respected as it looks like he’s giving his respect to us thus making us feel honoured.

When looking at the poster what you fail to notice first is the heading above. It significance of this is to invite you in but to create a mystery surrounding what you might see. What is surprising is that even though he’s the dark night we expect the lettering to be black however it is white. This depicts the view that even though his identity is hidden people know he is alive and saving the world. Also the lettering even though spacious it’s tightly comprised this illustrate the idea that its easy to be in the city however its hard to live. The main characters are all listed on the front of the image, this is useful as the audience will sometimes decide to go watch a film depending solely on the character in the film.

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