Friday 23 September 2011

Should Celebrities Recive Payout For Viocemail Tapping

 The thought about celebrities being paid huge sums of money for their voicemail being tapped is outrageous. Celebrities are being paid tons of money just for appearing on the media. Many such as Naomi Campbell are well known for their snobbish behaviour and pampered attitude. The thought just sickens me to the core that celebrities are using it as a source of money making scheme in order to gain more money in their pocket.
There’s been a rise in celebrities claiming for their voicemail to be hacked. It’s has managed to become a trend in society where they are much happy to find out their voicemail have been hacked rather than the relief that it hasn’t.
It’s merely easy  to understand celebrities are the once that attract media attention. It’s not suprising to notice we are constanly bombared with shocking revealtion of celebrities such as Ryan Giggs cheating or being imoral in public. All these  factors contribute to the money they get from doing these as they become very popular in the public eyes.
Why should celebrities be giving payout? Why should their own selfish interest come before others? Celebrities unlike the general public open the media to their private lives therefore it shouldn’t be suprising when the media are basically living in their house. Payout to celebrities should not be plausible they are viewed as moral leaders to kids therefore they should not be paid when they are viewed doing imoral things as it is in the public interest to know what celebrities are doing thus allowing parent to choose the right celebrity role model for their kids.

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