Wednesday 21 September 2011

To what extent it Children of Men a Cinematic Genuis

The opening scene of Children of Men is a cinematic genius t the extent the first scene of the film in itself is captivating. The narrator reads out atrocities happening, however we are not showed images but a dark background. The act breaks all forms of cinematic convention by allowing as the viewers to imagine the situation. It works on us psychologically not only in grabbing our attention but making as feel the scene is from a long lost memory.

 The diversity of racial background makes it a cinematic genius. In just one scene there’s a mixture of race in it. It does a whole lot in one scene, in most films there’s just one group of race but in Children of Men in a few seconds he has managed to appeal to all kinds of race.

The film was an experiment with a success. The institute Universal studios are known for taking risk. Perhaps Children of Men makes it notable as Universal studies are in America but the film is shot in Britain.

The film genre is drama based. It’s realistic and keeps the audience at the centre of the film. It’s a cinematic genius to an extent as it manipulates all this factor t the fullest with both the camera action and it intense human emotions.

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