Thursday 22 September 2011

Why Documentary Twittamentary Should Be Screened

It would be a great idea to screen the documentary twittamentary in our school because the documentary can be viewed from a moral point of view. It important to note twitter “frame your world view” we can see it as an advice for us amateurs venturing into the world of twitter. Also it would open our knowledge on the world around as and the possibilities we have in society. Such example is “Anne Marie” who used twitter to gain support in her welfare state. It would be a surprise to our students on the fact that social media can be used as a tool to achieve many things through the power of communication.

It’s notable to note the documentary is a clear representation and not an edited view on twitter. It’s a fair representation that combines the element of human desire relationship being involved and love into a documentary. It’s educational thus needed to be screened in Burlington Danes Academy- the film is innovative, the reason being it would be helpful for our student who wish to pursue a career in filming gain unconventional filming skill s illustrated by Tan Siok Siok.

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