Wednesday 21 September 2011

Analysing print advert: The Pursuit of Happiness

The use of props such as what seems to be a suit case and business clothing infers the film will involve a business adaptation and portray it from a conventional business perceptive therefore we can draw our conclusion for it to be a drama genre.Whilst the film is portrayed by a well known actor our general thought for it is to be a great blockbuster. However the title itself is humbling as happiness is spelt wrongly “happynness”.

The setting of the film is unknown from looking at the poster. The background is covered in white. A white background which connotes the film will have a happy ending. Perhaps the reason the background is covered in white is to allow the audience to imagine their own happy ending. It could also suggest there isn’t a single place to find hope, you can find it in different places.

The film poster the pursuit of happiness is a 2007 drama based film. The first thing that is striking is the use of colours. The use of primary colour white denotes happiness and hope at the centre of the poster there’s a concentration of a gleaming light this represent the bond between the two characters and the fact they share the same happiness.  The use of red for happiness connotes love the fact there cannot be any true happiness without love.
The camera angle is viewed from a long range shot to give as a full overview of the characters.  It portrays the man Will Smith in a fatherly figure tall but leaning down a little, this connotes he’s a helping hand to his child, who is also leaning on his dad for support. The camera shot is very prominent and focused because in just this view we can denote the two characters are very humble and dependant on each other.

The film pose is important because from the positional of the characters we can connote the film will explore love and struggle however at end there will be a ray of hope.

The framing of the poster is influential to the audience firstly because of the positional of the tile of the character. It’s bold and allocated at the top of the poster, its catches the audience attention thus they feel since Will Smith is a well known movie star the film is going to be a good movie. Moreover the use of centring the title at the middle suggests it’s the main aim of the film and the storyline of the film.

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