Friday 11 November 2011

Film Overwiew

·         Someone with an idea for a film presents it to a studio or investors

·         They decide on whether to purchase rights towards the film before starting production

·         Screenwriters, directors and casts are brought in to make the film

·         When finished and sent back to studio they make a licensing agreement with a distribution company

·         Distributers decide number of copies to make and show a screening of the film to cinema representatives.

·          The buyers negotiate with the distribution company on the film lease and the terms of agreement

·         Film sent to cinema and showed for a specific amount of days

·         The print sent back to distributer and payment made on the lease

2. Film Distribution is the process in which a film is distributed to the audience or public to watch. This is than by a film distributer and mostly accomplished by realising it on cinema, DVD or on television programmes.

3. Hollywood studio system in the 1930's and 40's were a process whereby people were recruited into the industry to become trained crew members and stars. The studio controlled the distribution, production and exhibition of the film. It meant that if cinemas wanted to book a featured film, they had to book other films from the studio as well. This led to massive profit for the industry, however became harder for independent films to generate money.                                                                                        The Hollywood studio system was a tightly controlled system which generated massive profit. It also meant risk where minimises which people loved and came to expect.

4. Film production has changed and is very different from today. Big studios such as Universal are renting their equipment to independent directors rather than having full control over the production of the film. With the collapse of studios it meant producers no longer had power over creative film making.

·         Film Distribution has changed today as people can easily get films from most major stores. It is easy and accessible to view a film. It can be viewed on the Internet, Video Games and even watch it easily on smart phones.

·         Whereas movies used to be advertised on Bill Boards and just TV, nowadays it’s being exhibited on Radios, Internet, advertisement in the cinema and films stars promoting the film.

5. Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is the merging together of two businesses that are at different stages of production

An example would be studios having the control of production, exhibition and distribution.

Another example would be two supermarkets merging together

Horizontal Integration

Horizontal integration is when a company expands its business into different products that are similar to current lines
A hot dog vendor expanding into selling hamburgers would be an example of horizontal integration
You Tube, which was taken over my Google primarily because it had a strong and loyal user base.

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