Wednesday 23 November 2011

My mums new Boyfriend Analysis

1: Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre

The Voice Over within the film “My mums new Boyfriend” follows a conventional code in filmmaking that are often seen in comedy genre films. The purpose of this is to set the story ark of the film for us the audience, thus we can easily understand their situation. The first response we the audience assume is that there will be something amusing done by one of the characters. The Voice Over, which is a non-dietetic technique, establishes the film as personal and realistic making it seem like it’s a joke being told from the perspective of someone we know.
The music in the opening scene follows most comedy convention, its anticipating and follows an upbeat tone as we wait to see what stupid thing one of the characters will do. It opens with an upbeat rhythm making it joyful and amusing. This convention is typical in comedic genre films because it reinforces the narrative by making it funny. The music looses the audience and allows them to expect a funny scene, which could occur any moment.

2: Media Representations: How is 'The Family' represented in this trailer

Family is portrayed in a typical mundane realism. Often used phrases within a family such as “your dad would have been proud of you” are used to show that the mother and son still closely think about the father and that he was very dear to them. The fact this is said shows that the family had suffered badly within the death of the father, and perhaps we can make the assumption that this greatly affected the mother by causing her obesity. The representation of family in the film are given a realistic narrative that are mostly common in society, it shows the family must have really suffered by the absence of the dad.
The family is also portrayed to be closed knitted as the son whose in his 20s and an FBI agent still lives with his parent.
The characterisation within the film is also a typical comedy film convention. The element of a big character portrayed as dumb and foolish is stereotypical. The aim is to achieve the audience laughter by putting the character in a funny situation, this is exemplified when the mum trips and falls over.

3: Media Institutions: What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer

It's notable to realise from the first scene that Hollywood values are embedding in the movie. The opening scene contains “A list” Hollywood celebrities who are well known for iconic and exceptional movies. Hollywood celebrity Antonio Banderas are typical in Hollywood blockbusters to easily grab the attention of the audience and help with the film promotion.
Moreover special effects are predominant in Hollywood values and are recognisable throughout the film. Car stunts and high adrenaline gun shot out are visible in the scene, the aim to quickly put the audience at the edge of their seat and serve as antidote for escapism whereby they can imagine their selves within the movie and take their mind off mundane society. Also Hollywood movies generally tend to have big budget therefore their values with having big budget means there are usually big and groundbreaking stunt within the movie.

4: Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

The film uses a variety of techniques to promote the film to it target audience. Most of the characters are in their 30s and the film narrative is aimed at and adult genre. They use celebrities such as Antonio to grab the attentions of adults who know him from his previous movies. He's unlike young film actors such as Orlando Bloom, the film chooses veteran Hollywood characters to easily attain the attention of the audience, but also astonish the audience them and gain their interest as they would be happy to see a return of him and what he might do next.
Also special effects in the movies help promote the film to its target audience. Fast paced special effect such as car stunt easily grab the attention of young adult. Most men in today’s modern world have a boring routine of going to work and then home, high tech gadget gives the target audience freedom, something dramatic and exhilarating. Young adult are more likely to be bought in by the film as they would like to watch the film to see the full action and hat will happen next in the movie.


  1. WWW: You had original ideas and went on to showing that you fully understand why the start of the trailer was put together that way.

    EBI: You weren't clear in some point, I had to re read most lines to really understand it. You spent the whole answer only talking about the first few seconds of the trailer, you could have talked more about the other genres portrayed and how they were established.

  2. What did I say about writing the question you are answering out?... also I can't read the grey font on a dark background!

  3. * Is the voice -over conventional in comedy films or in trailers!?

    * You still have 'background image' - I asked you to remove it

    * What makes the music dumbfounding?

    * Change the font in question 2 please.
