Monday 6 February 2012

Brief 3 Music Band Intention Statement Coursework

Intention Statement
The first Research I did was to look at Record Labels and especially Indie Rock Labels. What I found out from this observation was that most Indie Record Labels do not have the money to cater for a specific genre of music for an artist, thus generally they are open to more than one type of music genre. Therefore by considering this I have decided to combine both Rock and a little bit of R&B genre on my music Band, to make it more attractable and diverse to more audiences but also follow the conventional way of how Indie Record Companies select and promote their artists.

Furthermore when researching leaflet and how I was going to promote it on print platforms, what I gathered from my research was that the dark and dull colours were mostly aimed at the male audiences whilst the bright colours were typically aimed largely at the female audiences. In order to attract both male and female fans and a larger audiences, I have decided to combine bright and dull colours together on my leaflet during the production, thus by doing this on my production of a leaflet it will allow it to contain the same element of a Rock genre but the addition of bright colours as well to add the R&B element on top of it.

When researching qualities of a Rock Band, their life-style was easy going and relaxed. There were the occasional stereotypical features of a Rock Band such as wearing a black Jacket and having a long hair, nonetheless researching McFly on a TV interview things associated with a Rock Band had evolved. They were funny, dressed casually and respectable to the host during their discourse with him, this was done not to only appeal to the Rock genre audiences but also people who prefer a different type of genre, such as R&B and see the qualities of an R&B singer in them. From this observation I have decided to implement the same thing on my Rock Band to also attract a diverse audience but also to keep the Rock qualities in it to make it recognisable by people.

What I found out from researching album covers was, it was typical album covers portrayed the band members in the studio. This connotes the Band members as being dedicated in what they do but also to make it easy and identifiable as a Rock album. The placement of them was the Band leader was always at the front whilst the rest were all at the back standing as equals. I will use this in my production and make it work by having a band leader, this will appeal to the audience because it makes them see the band leader as the best thus his music has to be good as well, but look up to him as a role model to the audience to try and be like him/her as they stands out.

Moreover when looking at promotional videos, the Band members had a professional time when they were hard at working, but also had a leisure time as well. I will incorporate this in the production of my Rock Band, as predominately the target audience are teenagers thus to make my production video work, I will let them act normal and freely like any other teenager to appeal to them and allow teenagers to associate with them.

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