Wednesday 16 November 2011

Portrayal of family in Brick Lane

The portrayal of Family in Brick Lane by Monica Ali follows a mundane realism of family in the 20th Century. The movie explores the concept of nuclear family and the tensions it brings within it. The film uses the gratification of informing to show us the dysfunction between the father (Chanu) and daughter (Shahna). This is made vivid in the early scenes when the father and daughter have an augments and she says “she didn’t ask to be born.” The conflict between a father and daughter is very common in today’s modern family. It is mostly a clash between two cultures whereby the father expects the daughter to follow tradition however the daughter rather preferring to follow modern change in society. The film tells us family in today’s modern age has changed a lot and there is a clash of culture between the young generation and old generation.
Moreover the movies portrayal of father in Brick Lane is a true reflection of most fathers in today’s present day. With the economy in deep uncertainties the movie depicts this carefully well when the father has a breakdown and tells the family “do you know how much I struggle to get food on the table”. The film illustrates the term family to be a beautiful concept however also filled with struggle and hardship. It shows family can be a daily struggle for the man of the house, having to work and earn money in order to keep the family going.  Brick Lane although fiction reflects society accurately to an extent it portrays family in the film to be filled with many barriers and struggles which is inevitable.
The movie combines element of traditional family codes and modern family behaviours. Where as Nazneen the protagonist is a housewife her portrayal follows a more traditional ideology. It combines and blends it with modern behaviour of women to be more independent by having a day job ( Sowing trousers).  The film presents Nazneen to be independent and more liberated by taking care of her own welfare state not waiting and relying on her husband. The film shows us that the idea of family is changing constantly and women within a family are not just accepting the supposed norm, however challenging it, as shown by Nazneen in the film when she smiles when she finally managed to get a sowing machine in her house.

Words 398

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